IDGE is based at West Virginia State University (WVSU) but is delivered through a partnership between the NASA IV&V Facility Educator Resource Center and Fairmont State University's Geoscience Education department. An inquiry-based laboratory science course based on NASA's GLOBE Program protocols and learning activities was developed and infused in the 6-week summer UB program titled, “Environmental Inquiry”. This field-based course involves UB students in the active collection and analysis of environmental data, promotes a multi-disciplinary integrated approach to geoscience instruction.
IDGE will better prepare UB students to succeed in post-secondary laboratory sciences, increase students' critical thinking skills, and promote positive attitudes towards careers in science. The program also strives to increase student's critical thinking skills and to promote positive attitudes towards careers in science. In this session, the principal investigators will share both their educational resources and research on the implementation of the program. IDGE will:
• develop and deliver an advanced International Environmental Inquiry course for 2nd year students who are interested in expanding their geoscience knowledge through an international ecological comparison with GLOBE students in Costa Rica;
• engage local K-12 educators of UB students through professional development in Earth System Science which will provide the motivation and enthusiasm to incorporate GLOBE into their classrooms year round; and
• provide the opportunity for selected UB students and educators to participate in an international learning expedition to Costa Rica where they will meet with GLOBE students, experience the local culture and ecology, and conduct scientific measurements side by side with Costa Rican students.
With the demands of No Child Left Behind, science instructional time is very limited. IDGE will excite, inspire, support academic achievements and expand regular school time learning experiences. IDGE will also provide professional development and observational equipment to local educators which will disseminate IDGE activities to other students in their classrooms. Earth Science instruction offers the unique opportunity for students to engage in the active scientific process where they can engage, explore, elaborate, and explain the environment around them.
IDGE activities will take place over a two year program and include the course development, online learning module creation, professional development for K-12 educators, facilitation of the 6 week Environmental Inquiry and International Environmental Inquiry course, and a capstone experience.
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