Sunday, 14 January 2007
Integrating online weather studies into a university flight training program at Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Exhibit Hall C (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Southeastern Oklahoma State University is regional university in the Oklahoma state system of higher education. The Aviation Science Institute at SOSU is the largest university flight training program in the state of Oklahoma and also provides management programs at the undergraduate and graduate level in several areas related to the aviation industry. SOSU serves a diverse population including a large number of native American students and a number of foreign students. We are developing two courses that will utilize the Online Weather Studies (OWS) material. The first to be offered Spring of 2007, will be a three credit hour, advanced meteorology course for pilots. This course will be taught mixed mode using both online and classroom components. OWS will be supplemented with aviation specific material developed locally. In the Fall of 2007 OWS will be used to offer a fully online weather course for the general student population.
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