Wednesday, 17 January 2007
A Data Quality Comparison of the WSR-88D Legacy Radar Data Acquisition (RDA) to the Open RDA (ORDA), in a Challenging Clutter Regime
Exhibit Hall C (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
With the impending deployment of the new Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA) system at Phoenix, AZ, the Radar Operations Center (ROC) Operations Branch conducted a site visit to investigate persistent interference and clutter suppression issues. This initial operational assessment, calibration, and data collection effort was followed by a ROC Engineering Branch visit in which the team installed the Portable ORDA (Porta-ORDA). Level II data was collected using the Porta-ORDA platform and that data is compared to legacy data collected during the initial site visit.
Also discussed is the implementation of processing improvements that result from the on-going data quality analysis conducted at the ROC.
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