Tuesday, 16 January 2007: 9:00 AM
DapperM: A Matlab interface to Dapper an OPeNDAP in-situ data service
217A (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Poster PDF
(275.1 kB)
Dapper is a server that provides an OPeNDAP protocol access to in-situ data. Existing clients to the Dapper Server include GrADS, NcBrowse, Java Ocean Atlas, and DChart. The database includes the PMEL EPIC in-situ database, ARGO profiles, and the NODC World Ocean Database 2005. We present here an easy to use interface to the Dapper Server for Matlab, using Java tools that have been developed for use with NcBrowse and the Java Ocean Atlas. The interface was developed using a combination of Java, Matlab scripts, and GUIDE, the Matlab GUI development tool.
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