Monday, 15 January 2007: 5:15 PM
NWS New Climate Products and Services: Tools for Communicating Climate Information
205 (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The National Weather Service released the new product, “Local 3-Month Temperature Outlook,” on September 21, 2006. This product downscales CPC Seasonal Temperature Forecasts for local stations, and is available on the NWS standardized climate web pages through the NWS national and local websites. The product has varying levels of complexity, ranging from pie charts to presentation of probability of exceedance curves. Also available are text interpretations of the products, including probabilistic forecasts, and public statements and fact sheets for customer education.
This product complements existing climate services within NWS at the national, regional, and local level, and can be extremely useful to broadcasters in providing relevant local climate information to their audiences. Climate information found on the NWS website can be interpreted by broadcasters for regional and local decision support, including support for planning and management activities.
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