Wednesday, 17 January 2007: 9:35 AM
Satellite Applications for TC Analysis and Forecasting at NOAA/NHC
217D (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Weather analysis and forecasting over the tropical and subtropical oceans remains a difficult challenge to operational forecasters given sparse in-situ data. Thus, traditional satellite imagery from geostationary satellites (GOES) as well as more recent advances in space-based remote sensing platforms have provided greater data coverage. These tools are routinely used to analyze and describe synoptic scale and mesoscale weather features in the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center's (TPC/NHC) area of responsibility. Moreover, since aerial Reconnaissance is in general limited to potentially land-falling tropical cyclones (TC) in the Atlantic basin, satellite methods of locating and characterizing tropical disturbances and TC are indispensable. Additionally, the satellite era, which began in 1966, is considered the beginning of the period of reliable tropical cyclone statistics and the baseline of a stable climatology. This presentation highlights the more commonly used satellite based tools as well as their operational application at TPC/NHC meet the users' requirement
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