87th AMS Annual Meeting

Joint Session 7: Measurements and Modeling of Aerosols (Joint with Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Forum on Climate Change as Manifested by Changes in Weather, and 19th Conference on Climate Variability and Change)

Monday, 15 January 2007: 10:45 AM-2:30 PM
212A (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
CoChair:  Yang Zhang, North Carolina State Univ.
  10:45 AM
Improvements to Aerosol Size Distributions in CMAQ
Robert A. Elleman, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA; and D. S. Covert

  11:00 AM
Simulating Secondary Organic Aerosol: Accuracy versus Computational Efficiency
Ping Liu, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC; and Y. Zhang

Coupling of CB05 gas-phase chemical mechanism with MADRID aerosol module in WRF/Chem

  11:30 AM
Size Distribution and Hygroscopic Properties of Agricultural Aerosols
Naruki Hiranuma, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and S. D. Brooks, B. W. Auvermann, and R. Littleton

  11:45 AM
Evaluation of the aerosol direct effect on a mesoscale simulation
Steven E. Peckham, NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRES-Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and G. A. Grell, S. A. McKeen, J. D. Fast, R. Zaveri, and S. Chung

  12:00 PM
Recognition of NASA Student Travel Award Winners in the field of Atmospheric Chemistry

  12:15 PM
Lunch Break

  1:45 PM
Dust sandstorm dynamics analysis in Northern China by means of atmospheric, emission, dispersion modeling
Massimiliano Pasqui, Institute of Biometeorology and National Research Council/IBIMET-CNR, Firenze, FI, Italy; and L. Bottai, C. Busillo, F. Calastrini, G. Gualtieri, F. Guarnieri, P. Scalas, and L. Torriano

Episodic particulate matter modeling in a semi-arid/arid area over the U.S./Mexico border: Incorporating a wind-blown dust emissions model into the MODELS-3/CMAQ system

  2:15 PM
The Instability associated with the Cross-Atlantic Transport of Saharan Dust and its Meteorological Implications
Sun Wong, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and A. E. Dessler, P. R. Colarco, and A. Da Silva