87th AMS Annual Meeting

Session 10: Land and Ocean Observations

Thursday, 18 January 2007: 11:00 AM-2:30 PM
212B (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Chair:  Christopher N. K. Mooers, RSMAS, University of Miami
  11:00 AM
Assessing the land albedo model of the new MODIS Aerosol retrieval over land Algorithm for urban scenes
Eduardo Hernandez, City College of New York, New York, NY; and M. M. Oo, L. Charles, B. Gross, M. Mihailidi, and F. Moshary

  11:15 AM
Improved Land Products from Multiple Satellite Data through Data Assimilation
Shunlin Liang, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and H. Fang, J. Townshend, and R. E. Dickinson

  11:30 AM
Marine wind analysis with the benefit of Radarsat-1 synthetic aperture radar data
Richard E. Danielson, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; and M. Dowd and C. H. Ritchie

  11:45 AM
The HF radar national server and architecture project
Don T. Conlee, NOAA/NWS/National Data Buoy Center, Stennis Space Center, MS; and J. Harlan, E. J. Terrill, L. Hazard, M. Otero, P. L. Spence, and A. R. Diercks


  12:15 PM
Lunch Break (Cash & Carry available in the Exhibit Hall)

  1:30 PM
The Effect of Reabsorption of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Elastic Scattering in Coastal Waters on the Efficacy of Retrieval Algorithms
Samir Ahmed, City College of the City University of New York, New York, NY; and A. Gilerson, J. Zhou, I. Ioannou, S. Hlaing, B. Gross, and F. Moshary

Poster PDF (264.3 kB)
  2:00 PM
NOAA's role in the expansion of the global ocean observing system for climate
Diane M. Stanitski, Shippensburg Univ., Shippensburg, PA; and M. Johnson

  2:15 PM
Some OSSE issues for the coastal ocean observing system (COOS)
Christopher N. K. Mooers, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and D. S. Ko