12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS


Recent developments for an operational Canadian global assimilation and prediction capability for the coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system

Harold Ritchie, Environment Canada, Dartmouth, NS, Canada; and F. Davidson, J. Loder, Y. Lu, P. Pellerin, W. Renaud, M. Taillefer, K. Thompson, and D. Wright

Environment Canada (EC), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), and the Department of National Defence (DND) require environmental information products and capabilities that can be provided by an operational global coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice data assimilation and prediction system. In-situ data from Argo floats together with other observations (e.g., altimeter, remotely sensed sea surface temperature) permit effective ocean data assimilation. A new inter-agency initiative, the Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems (CONCEPTS) including Mercator-Ocean participation (France), will provide a framework for research and operations on coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice prediction. CONCEPTS includes projects on: 1) development of improved data assimilation and prediction systems; 2) their validation on both global and basin scales for the North Atlantic, Arctic, and North Pacific; 3) demonstration of regional ocean prediction capabilities and applications in the context of the Canada – Newfoundland Operational Ocean Forecasting System (C-NOOFS); 4) sea ice and Arctic modelling and data assimilation and 5) improved ocean data assimilation capabilities. Initial resources have been put in place for the establishment of three major inter-related activities: 1) an operational activity based on coupling the Canadian atmospheric GEM model with the Mercator system; 2) a research and development (R&D) activity consisting of government and academic research networks to develop and maintain a system tailored to Canadian needs in the longer term; and 3) a products activity to identify, develop and disseminate relevant products and outputs. Operational activity is being built upon existing EC infrastructure with R&D activity enhanced through a Global Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction and Predictability (GOAPP) research network funded by the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences since October 2006. This talk will provide an overview of CONCEPTS and GOAPP, and will summarize results to date and plans for the future.

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Session 5, Advanced Methods for Data Assimilation-I
Tuesday, 22 January 2008, 8:30 AM-9:45 AM, 204

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