22nd Conference on Hydrology


Soil moisture monitoring at national scale with assimilation of satellite products: the experimental operational system of the Italian civil protection


Giorgio Boni, CIMA - Italy, Savona, Italy; and L. Campo, F. Caparrini, F. Castelli, F. Delogu, L. Ferraris, L. Rossi, and F. Siccardi

The operational implementation over the italian territory of an operational system of soil moisture monitoring, based n the assimilation of LST and other MSG-derived products provided by LandSAF.

The assimilation scheme is based on the surface energy balance. It is forced using both SAF products, such as incoming radiation (shortwave and longwave), cloud mask, LST and ground observations.

The model is used to derive EF, turbulent conductivity for energy fluxes and heat and moisture fluxes at national scale.

Soil moisture conditions in the root zone are also derived through a simplified mass balance.

The models has been recently implemented in DROPS, the experimental monitoring system of the Italian Civil Protection Department and the derived maps are currently tested within operational flood and forest fires risk prediction chains. -->

Session 11, Advances in Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation in Hydrology, Part III
Thursday, 24 January 2008, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, 223

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