The WRF Domain Wizard: The WPS GUI
Jeff S. Smith, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Ft Collins, CO; and P. T. McCaslin and M. W. Govett
NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory has developed and released WRF Domain Wizard, the web-based graphical user interface for the WRF Preprocessor System (WPS). WRF Domain Wizard is a Java Webstart GUI application that enables users to easily define domains, create and edit nests, run the WPS programs and monitor their progress, and graphically visualize the domain localization
netCDF) output. It also provides a Vertical Editor for editing the ETA levels used by real.exe. WRF Domain Wizard supports both the WRF-ARW and WRF-NMM cores.
WRF Domain Wizard has been developed in collaboration with the WPS developers and researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Written in Java, WRF Domain Wizard runs on all platforms and can be accessed from our website, http://www.wrfportal.org/DomainWizard.html.
This poster will describe the current capabilities of WRF Domain Wizard, provide examples of how the software can be
used, and illustrate where future development is planned.
Session 5C, Internet Applications & Cyberinfrastucture
Tuesday, 22 January 2008, 3:45 PM-5:15 PM, 208
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