24th Conference on IIPS


Testing strategies for the next generation AWIPS

Kenneth L. Stricklett, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. P. Tuell, R. K. Henry, P. K. Pickard, J. D. Lawson, and F. P. Griffith

AWIPS, the integrating element of the National Weather Service modernization, is undergoing an extensive re-architecture and conversion to a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Raytheon Information Solutions will be converting the AWIPS infrastructure to an SOA over the next year, then migrating the current baseline software and functionality to the new architecture by FY2009. Deployment of the next generation of AWIPS is expected to be complete in FY2010.

At deployment, the next generation of AWIPS is to be functionally equivalent to the legacy software. This paper provides an overview of the testing strategies that will be used validate the migrated functionality within the next generation of AWIPS.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (120K)

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Session 6A, Interactive Processing Systems
Wednesday, 23 January 2008, 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, 206

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