24th Conference on IIPS

Session 3B

 International Applications - PART II [the Last Six Papers in This session are 'overflow' papers from the Joint Session on Global Earth Observations with IOAS-AOLS]
 Cochairs: John R. Lincoln, US Navy/WMO (Ret.) and Consultant, Berryville, VA; Alfred Hofstadler, ECMWF, Reading United Kingdom
1:30 PM3B.1The UCAR Africa Initiative – Overview and Update  extended abstract wrf recording
Tom Yoksas, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. Bruintjes, B. Foote, S. Heck, S. Herrmann, L. Hoswell, P. A. Kucera, A. Laing, B. L. Lamptey, M. W. Moncrieff, R. Pandya, M. Ramamurthy, R. Roberts, T. Spangler, T. T. Warner, and M. Weingroff
2:00 PM3B.2GEONETCast Americas – A GEOSS Environmental Data Dissemination System  extended abstract wrf recording
Richard A. Fulton, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and P. Seymour and L. Moodie
2:15 PM3B.3Spatial Variability in Differences between Multi-sensor and Raingage Precipitation Estimates within the Central United States  extended abstract
Nancy Westcott, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Illinois State Water Survey, INRS, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois

Monday, 21 January 2008: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, 207

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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