CCM Forum

Session 3

 The Role of the CCM in Severe Weather
 Panelists: John Toohey-Morales, NBC Telemundo and Climadata, Miami, FL; Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK
CoChair: Jack Henz, HDR, Inc., Denver, CO
11:00 AM3.1Panel Discussion - Industrial Meterologists and Severe Weather   wrf recording
Jack Henz, HDR, Inc., Denver, CO
11:30 AMMy Vision of the Role of the Private Sector in Severe Weather: M. Eilts   wrf recording
11:45 AM3.2Did the Norwegian Dawn encounter a rogue wave during its voyage on April 16, 2005?  
Lee E. Branscome, Climatological Consulting Corporation, Palm Beach Gardens, FL; and M. N. Campbell
12:00 PM3.3Fine scale analysis of the convective scale wind fields of Katrina and their relationship to the surge event  extended abstract wrf recording
Richard G. Henning, Consulting Meteorologist, Niceville, FL

Wednesday, 23 January 2008: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, R04

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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