13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology

Poster Session 3

 Turbulence, Volcanic Ash, and Instrumentation Posters
 P3.1Using WRF-ARW Data to Forecast Turbulence at Small Scales  extended abstract
Jeffrey E. Passner, Army Research Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, NM; and D. I. Knapp
 P3.2Development of a rapid-update turbulence nowcast product  
Larry B. Cornman, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and G. Wiener and T. Tasset
 P3.3Analysis on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Aircraft Turbulences Occurred in South Korea for the Recent 10 years  
Jung-Hoon Kim, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea; and H. Y. Chun
 P3.4A new direction in clear-air turbulence forecasting based on spontaneous imbalance, Part I: Application of theory  extended abstract
John A. Knox, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA; and D. W. McCann and P. D. Williams
 P3.5Performance of LIDAR-based turbulence detection algorithm  extended abstract
P. W. Chan, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China; and K. M. Kwong
 P3.6A new direction in clear-air turbulence forecasting based on spontaneous imbalance, Part II: case studies and statistical results  extended abstract
Donald W. McCann, McCann Aviation Weather Reaserch, Inc., Overland Park, KS; and J. A. Knox and P. D. Williams
 P3.7Recent Meteorological Data Collection and Analysis In Support of United States Wake Turbulence Program  extended abstract
Hadi S. Wassaf, Volpe Center, Research and Innovative Technologies Administration (RITA), Cambridge, MA; and A. Tabrizi and W. Frank
 P3.8Climatology of upper-level turbulence using in-situ measurements of eddy dissipation rate  
Jennifer Abernethy, NCAR/RAL, Boulder, CO
 P3.9Clear air turbulence forecasts: algorithms intercomparison using AMDAR Intensive Observation Period over Western Europe  extended abstract
Agathe Drouin, Météo France, Toulouse, France; and C. Le Bot, C. Pagé, and T. Ludjet
 P3.10ADevelopments in numerical clear air turbulence forecasting at the UK Met Office  extended abstract
Debi Turp, UK Met Office, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom; and P. Gill
 P3.11Automated volcanic ash dispersion forecasts  
Ming Liu, NRL, Monterey, CA; and D. L. Westphal, J. S. Reid, T. L. Tsui, J. Cook, D. A. Geiszler, and M. Frost
 P3.12New automated methods for detecting volcanic ash and determining mass loading from infrared radiances: Looking towards the NPOESS and GOES-R Era's  
Michael J. Pavolonis, NOAA/NESDIS, Madison, WI
 P3.13Global composite of volcanic ash “split window” geostationary satellite images  extended abstract
Frederick R. Mosher, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL
 P3.14NRL satellite volcano ash plume monitoring  extended abstract
Jeffrey D. Hawkins, NRL, Monterey, CA; and S. D. Miller, A. P. Kuciauskas, R. L. Bankert, F. J. Turk, K. Richardson, T. F. Lee, and J. E. Kent
 P3.15A methodology for the design of meteorological instrumentation networks  extended abstract
Jeffrey H. Copeland, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and L. Carson and A. Yates
 P3.16Development of a Transfer Function for the ASOS All-Weather Precipitation Accumulation Gauge  extended abstract
Jennifer M. Dover, NOAA/NWS, Sterling, VA
 P3.17A Study of Barometric Altimeter Errors in High Latitude Regions  extended abstract
Young Yee, Mkey Technologies, LLC, Las Cruces, NM; and E. Yee
 P3.18Snow gauge performance during the Denver blizzards of December, 2006  extended abstract
Scott D. Landolt, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. L. Black, R. M. Rasmussen, and A. W. Tripp

Wednesday, 23 January 2008: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall B

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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