Monday, 21 January 2008: 4:45 PM
The Consensus Reference Methodology as it Applies to a Radiosonde under Test (Formerly 4.3)
204 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
This extended abstract will describe examples of the methodology the NOAA, National Weather Service will be utilizing for implementing the Consensus Reference Concept into actuality. To illustrate the concept, this paper will define areas where the techniques will evolve into a series of consensus reference procedures for evaluating upper air radiosonde measurements from a candidate system against more than one reference type. The techniques will center on data collected from a variety of reference instruments during this past summer's Water Vapor Validation Experiment Satellite/Sondes (WAVES 2007) project sponsored by NASA and Howard University along with a number of other government and academic institutions. Preliminary results from some of these procedures will be provided as they pertain to this concept.
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