88th Annual Meeting (20-24 January 2008)

Tuesday, 22 January 2008: 4:00 PM
A public release of WRF Portal: a graphical user interface for WRF
208 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Mark W. Govett, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO; and J. S. Smith
WRF Portal was developed in collaboration with researchers at the NOAA, NCAR, and the DTC to handle the configuration and running of tens to hundreds of model runs in support of WRF model development activities and to perform the evaluation of NMM and ARW WRF model variants. In developing the portal we have primarily focused on NOAA and DTC requirements, however, we have been aware of the interest in the community for such a portal.

Due to the strong interest, we have developed a public release that will allow anyone to download, configure and run the portal on their desktop. Enhancements to support the general user include development of a client-side workflow manager, and a client-side relational database. The workflow manager is used to manage the workflow (one or more tasks) running on the local or remote system. The database is used to store the run scripts, namelist files, and configuration information needed by the portal to execute workflows on the desktop machine, a local cluster, or a high performance computer.

In this poster, we will describe current capabilities of the portal. We will illustrate the flexibility of WRF Portal in defining tasks, building workflows, configuring model runs, and monitoring the runs for tens to hundreds of tasks on NOAA Boulder High Performance Computing System. Finally, we will describe where future development is planned to incorporate web services to data discovery, ensemble support, improved task management capabilities, and plans to support other weather and climate models.

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