oceanographic data in terms of ISO/OGC Feature types and Coverages, Unidata
is looking at ways to represent these datasets in netCDF and in particular
the possibility of extending the CF convention to include those
The larger effort began when a number of communities (the CDM work at Unidata,
the CSML work at BADC, and the OGC Sensor Web Enablement Observations and
Measurements) realized they were developing similar lists of data types. The
combined list includes: 1) grid, 2) point/station observation, 3) vertical
profile/sounding, 4) trajectory, 5) swath, and 6) radar/radial.
This paper will detail the current state of the Unidata effort.
Supplementary URL: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/edavis/PapersPresentations/2008-01-AMS-GridPlus/