Over the last few years, COMET's satellite training has focused on the capabilities, applications, and relevance of the upcoming NPP/NPOESS system to operational forecasters and other user communities. By partnering with experts from the Naval Research Laboratory and NOAA-NESDIS and working closely with various user communities, COMET has aimed to stimulate greater utilization of current and future satellite data observations and products. In addition, COMET has broadened the scope of its online training to include materials on the EUMETSAT Polar-orbiting System (EPS) and geostationary satellites. EPS represents an important contribution to the Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS) between NOAA and EUMETSAT, while Meteosat imaging capabilities provide an important proving ground for the next generation GOES-R imager. COMET also provides Spanish translations of relevant GOES materials in order to support the GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) Americas effort, which is associated with the move of GOES-10 to provide routine satellite coverage over South America.
This poster presentation will provide an overview of COMET's satellite training efforts, with an emphasis on the updated community Userport Web site at http://www.meted.ucar.edu/npoess.php and its recent and upcoming training modules. The presentation will also preview how similar methods will be applied to GOES-R+ training and user readiness efforts. Progress on the new community Environmental Satellite Resource Center (ESRC), planned for initial publication in 2008, will also be discussed.
Supplementary URL: http://www.meted.ucar.edu/topics_satellite.php