Our data exploration methodology is based of an analysis of: (1) Outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) observed by the AVHRR sensor on NOAA POES series satellites (data provided by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center); and (2) seismic activity in the study site as recorded by the USGS. We perform analysis of earth radiation on the atmosphere (daytime and nighttime) and OLR by analyzing monthly and daily averages around the area of major tectonic faulting and earthquake epicenters. Both “normal” and “anomalous” states of the satellite and ground segments were defined for 27 years of data, for both monthly and daily averages.
Preliminary results show correlation of the OLR and tectonic activity during the time of the major earthquake occurrence, and existence of false alarms (positive /negative) for the period of data analysis. The outcome of this study has potential to contribute in two major areas of interests: (i) performance of a comprehensive statistical analysis of the correlation between transient atmospheric signatures and (ii) development of a methodology to evaluate the requirements of TIR signal measurement for future observation system development associated with tectonic faulting.
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