Improvement of Aerosol Retrieval and Resolution using a refined Surface Albedo Model based on Simultaneous MODIS and Sunphotometer Measurements
Min Min Oo, Optical remote Sensing Lab City College of New York, New York, NY; and M. Jerg, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed
Determination of aerosol optical depth from satellite remote sensing measurements is extremely difficult due to the large variability of aerosol optical properties as well as possible interaction with the ground. In fact, over urban land cover, most of the signal can be attributed to ground reflectance. In conventional approaches, it is necessary to look for “dark” pixels in an image as a way of isolating the aerosol contribution sand minimizing uncertainties in the surface. Unfortunately, these conditions are not realistically met over large urban conditions such as
In the previous collection 4 algorithm, a static relationship was assumed between the MIR and
However, as we show in this paper, this approach, while suitable for a global analysis, is less than optimal for regional studies of urban scenes. To examine this in detail, we first show using high spatial imagery from the high spatial resolution Hyperion sensor that the albedo models suitable for vegetation are not suitable for urban scenes. In particular, we show that the correlation coefficient assumption between the VIS and MIR channels are underestimated thereby leading to an underestimate in the VIS ground albedos and subsequent overestimate of the
To improve the surface model for MODIS regional applications in an urban area, we re-implement the matchup data sets over the NYC area. By examining a large set of coincident measurements properly filtered to improve surface retrieval between AERONET and MODIS to obtain a more accurate VIS/NIR correlation coefficient. Since we are after the surface albedo measurements over an extended area, a more suitable filter of the data must be employed including a limit on AOD, a limit on the angstrom coefficient to ensure only fine mode aerosols are present and a flag to ensure only sufficiently homogeneous aerosol cases are considered. Besides improving accuracy in the retrieval, we also find that the spatial resolution of the retrieval can be improved since we can be less conservative in rejecting overbright pixels in the retieval
Further analysis shows that the VIS/MIR ratios depend only weakly on the scattering geometry allowing us to generate a regional VIS/MIR map at resolutions down to 1.5 km. In particular, we find that with the new VIS/MIR ratio model, the MODIS and AERONET optical thickness agreement is significantly improved as shown in figure 1. Furthermore, we show the high resolution surface model allows us to improve the resolution of the retrieved AOD to 3km. Although direct comparisons for a given day are not possible except at the aeronet site, we find the AOD variability seen spatially from our revised regional retrieval agrees very well with the variability of the aerosol optical depth observed from temporal statistics in the Aeronet retrieval. Finally, this approach is extended to
The results of this approach can be seen in figure 1 where the MODIS retrievals in collection 5 as well as those due to a modified regional surface albedo map are compared.
Fig 1 (a) MODIS L2 Aerosol Optical Depth at 0.55 microns compare with 4 hour (~ 2hr before and 2hr after MODIS (Terra) satellite overpass time) average of AERONET aerosol optical thickness. (b) ,(c) and (d) are retrieved AOD with new VIS/MID ratio plot with average of AERONET aerosol optical thickness at 10km, 3km and 1.5km resolution
[1] Kaufman, Y.J.; Wald, A.E.; Remer, L.A.; Bo-Cai Gao; Rong-Rong Li; Flynn, L.; ‘The MODIS 2.1- mu m channel-correlation with visible reflectance for use in remote sensing of aerosol'; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 35 1286-98, (1997)
[2] Lorraine A. Remer, Didier Tanré and Yoram J. Kaufman, R. Levy and
This work is supported by grants from NOAA #NA17AE1625 and NASA #NCC-1-03009. We would also like to acknowledge Stephan Ungar and Thomas Brakke (NASA-GSFC) for the Hyperion Data and Robert Green (JPL) for the AVIRIS data.
Joint Poster Session 1, Measurements in the Urban Environment
Tuesday, 13 January 2009, 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Hall 5
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