Saturday, 10 January 2009 |
| 7:30 AM-10:00 AM, Saturday Student Conference Badge Pick-up Only |
Sunday, 11 January 2009 |
| 7:30 AM-9:00 AM, Sunday Short Course Registration |
| 9:00 AM-6:00 PM, Sunday Annual Meeting Registration Begins |
| 12:00 PM-4:00 PM, Sunday, Northballroom A Weatherfest
| 3:00 PM-4:00 PM, Sunday, Room 130 First-Time Attendee Briefing |
| 5:00 PM-7:00 PM, Sunday, Hall 5 Fellows Reception |
Monday, 12 January 2009 |
| 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Monday Registration Open |
| 8:00 AM-5:30 PM, Monday, Room 231C Session Weather Preview Theater |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Monday, Room 132A Tim Oke Symp Luncheon |
| 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Monday, Hall 4 Opening of the Exhibit Hall with Reception |
Tuesday, 13 January 2009 |
| 8:00 AM-5:30 PM, Tuesday, Room 231C Session Weather Preview Theater |
| 11:00 AM-6:00 PM, Tuesday Exhibits Open |
Wednesday, 14 January 2009 |
| 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Wednesday, Room 231C Session Weather Preview Theater |
| 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Wednesday, Room 221C Session 1 Eighth Communications Workshop |
| 8:30 AM | | Communication: Moving toward a Better Understanding of a Complex Process  Stephanie Kenitzer, AMS, Seattle, WA |
| 8:45 AM | | The Changing Media Landscape Tom Rosenstiel, Project for Excellence in Journalism, Washington, DC |
| 9:00 AM | | Communicating on Climate Change  Bud Ward, The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media, New Haven, CT |
| 9:15 AM | | Covering Science for the Print World  Pete Spotts, Christian Science Monitor, Boston, MA |
| 9:30 AM | | Covering Science in the New Online World  Michael Reilly, Discovery Channel News and Discovery Earth, San Francisco, CA; and L. O'Hanlon |
| 9:45 AM | | Q&A
| 10:00 AM-10:30 AM, Wednesday Coffee Break in Meeting Room Foyer |
| 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Wednesday, Room 221C Panel Discussion 1 Eighth Communications Workshop Panel Discussion |
Panelists: Tom Rosenstiel, Project for Excellence in Journalism, Washington, DC; Bud Ward, The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media, New Haven, CT; Pete Spotts, Christian Science Monitor, Boston, MA; Michael Reilly, Discovery Channel News and Discovery Earth, San Francisco, CA; Larry O'Hanlon, Discovery Channel News and Discovery Earth, San Francisco, CA
| 11:00 AM-6:00 PM, Wednesday Exhibits Open |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Wednesday Lunch Break (Cash and Carry in Exhibit Hall) |
| 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Wednesday, Hall 5 Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break |
Thursday, 15 January 2009 |
| 8:00 AM-5:30 PM, Thursday, Room 231C Session Weather Preview Theater |
| 11:00 AM-4:00 PM, Thursday Exhibits Open |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Thursday, Room 131AB Hollingsworth Symp Luncheon |
| 5:15 PM-5:20 PM, Thursday AMS 89th Annual Meeting Adjourns |