23rd Conference on Hydrology

Session 5A

 Advances in Data Assimilation Techniques and Their Applications to Land Surface State and Parameter Estimation in Hydrology—I
 Chair: Susan C. Steele-Dunne, TU Delft, Delft Netherlands
8:30 AM5A.1(Invited Speaker) Assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage data into a land surface model  
Rolf H. Reichle, NASA, Greenbelt, MD; and B. F. Zaitchik and M. Rodell
9:00 AM5A.2The potential of distributed GRACE measurements to estimate spatially variable terrestrial water storage changes in the Colorado River basin  
Peter A. Troch, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and S. Hasan, R. Uijlenhoet, R. Hurkmans, and M. Durcik
9:15 AM5A.3Recent progress and upcoming projects with the Canadian Land Data Assimilation System  
Stéphane Bélair, Environment Canada, Dorval, QC, Canada; and B. Bilodeau, M. Carrera, N. Bernier, C. Derksen, D. Chan, and M. Ishizawa
9:30 AM5A.4Soil moisture assimilation with microwave brightness temperatures in Canadian prediction systems  
Marco Carrera, Environment Canada, Dorval, QC, Canada; and S. Belair and B. Bilodeau
9:45 AM5A.5Synthetic experiments to estimate hillslope-scale soil moisture through assimilation of anticipated remotely sensed microwave products   wrf recording
Alejandro N. Flores, MIT, Cambridge, MA; and R. L. Bras and D. Entekhabi

Wednesday, 14 January 2009: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Room 127B

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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