Joint Session 3 |
| The Use of Lightning Data In Aviation Operations (Joint between the Fourth Conference on the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data and the Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium on Weather-Air Traffic Management Integration) |
| Chair: William P. Roeder, Private Meteorologist, Rockledge, FL
| 10:45 AM | J3.1 | Lightning warning systems for airport ramp operations  David B. Johnson, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and L. Heitkemper and R. F. Price |
| 11:15 AM | J3.2 | Developments in the nowcasting total lightning flash rates using GOES satellite infrared convective cloud information  John R. Mecikalski, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; and C. Siewert |
| 11:45 AM | J3.3 | A thunderstorm and lightning alert service for airport operations Rodney J. Potts, CAWCR, Melbourne, Vic., Australia |