Session 3 |
| Weather Forecasting for Urban Areas |
| Chair: Sue Grimmond, King's College London, London United Kingdom
| 8:30 AM | 3.1 | An international urban surface energy balance model comparison study: first results  Sue Grimmond, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; and M. Blackett and M. Best |
| | | 3.2 has been moved. New paper number 3.3A
| 8:45 AM | 3.2A | Model Complexity: First results from the international urban surface energy balance model comparison study  Sue Grimmond, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; and M. Blackett and M. J. Best |
| 9:00 AM | 3.3A | How do initial assumptions for parameters and state variables influence accuracy?  Maggie Hendry, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom; and M. Best, M. Gouvea, S. Grimmond, and A. Porson |
| 9:15 AM | 3.4 | Impact of urban parameters on the surface energy balance in urban areas  Sylvia I. Bohnenstengel, University of Reading, Reading, Berks., United Kingdom; and A. Porson and S. Belcher |
| 9:30 AM | 3.5 | Inclusion of a multi-layer drag approach in urban surface schemes: which benefits ?  Valéry Masson, CNRM/Meteo France, Toulouse, France; and R. Hamdi and G. Pigeon |
| 9:45 AM | 3.6 | Simulation of fall and winter surface energy balance over a dense urban area using the TEB scheme  Grégoire Pigeon, CNRS Meteo-France, Toulouse, France; and M. Moscicki, J. A. Voogt, and V. Masson |