Joint Poster Session 6 |
| Dispersion and Air Quality in Cities—Poster Session (Joint with the Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution Committee) |
| | JP6.1 | A Weekend Effect in Diurnal Temperature Range and its Association with Aerosol Radiative Effects in Korea Byung-Gon Kim, Kangnung National University, Gangnung, South Korea; and Y. J. Kim, S. H. Eun, and M. H. Choi |
| | JP6.2 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Flow and Gas Diffusion in the Recirculation cavity behind an Isolated Building Mohamed F. Yassin, Department of Environmental Technology Management, Kuwait, Safat , Kuwait |
| | JP6.3 | Plume Rise and Ground-Level Concentration of Emission from a Distributed Power Generation Unit: Field Observations and Water Channel Modeling Xiangyi Li, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA; and S. Chen, M. Princevac, A. Venkatram, D. Pankratz, and C. Bartolome |
| | JP6.4 | Evaluation of an Urban Vegetative Canopy Scheme and Impact on Plume Dispersion Matthew A. Nelson, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and M. D. Williams, D. Zajic, E. R. Pardyjak, and M. J. Brown |
| | JP6.5 | Urban transport & dispersion model sensitivity to wind direction and source location Luna M. Rodriguez, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and P. Bieringer |
|  | JP6.6 | Meteorological, photochemical, and radiative-forcing feedback modeling of emission and anthropogenic heating reductions in the greater Portland OR region Haider Taha, Altostratus, Inc., Martinez, CA; and D. J. Sailor |