Session 3 |
| Drought Prediction, Monitoring and Mitigation—II |
| Chair: Wade T. Crow, USDA/ARS, Beltsville, MD
| 4:00 PM | 3.1 | The Physical Earth Sciences Requirements to Address the Social-Economical Impacts of Adaptation and Mitigation to Changing Extreme Events: Drought as an Example  P.J. Van Oevelen, International GEWEX Project Office, Silver Spring, MD |
| 4:15 PM | 3.2 | Using Data-Models to Monitor and Forecast Drought  Ana P. Barros, Duke Univ., Durham, NC |
| 4:30 PM | 3.3 | The PAC: A tool for monitorng and forecasting the initiation, longevity, and demise of droughts  Phil Arkin, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and J. E. Janowiak |
| 4:45 PM | 3.4 | The development of objectively-derived, probabilistic, and verifiable drought prediction methodologies  Bradfield Lyon, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Palisades, NY; and M. A. Bell |
| 5:00 PM | 3.5 | A climatological analysis associating spring tornadic activity with antecedent precipitation and drought in the Southeastern United States  Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; and D. Niyogi, T. L. Mote, and J. Entin |
| 5:15 PM | 3.6 | Drought Predictability in Mexico Francisco Munoz-Arriola, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and S. Shukla, L. Luo, T. Bohn, A. Munoz Orozco, and D. P. Lettenmaier |