Joint Session 14 |
| Dense Gas Dispersion (Joint with the Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution Committee) |
| Chair: Steven R. Hanna, Hanna Consultants, Kennebunkport, ME
| 1:30 PM | J14.1 | Source emissions and transport and dispersion models for Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) released in cities  Steven R. Hanna, Hanna Consultants, Kennebunkport, ME; and R. Britter, J. Leung, O. R. Hansen, R. I. Sykes, P. Drivas, J. C. Weil, and D. Strimaitis |
| 1:45 PM | J14.2 | Modeling of releases of flashing liquids around buildings  Mathieu Ichard, GexCon, Bergen, Norway; and O. Hansen and J. Melheim |
| 2:00 PM | J14.3 | Issues with use of toxicity values for emergency response  Timothy J. Bauer, NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA |
| 2:15 PM | J14.4 | Review and assessment of chlorine mammalian lethality data and the development of a human estimate  Douglas R. Sommerville, US Department of Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; and J. J. Bray, S. A. Reutter-Christy, R. E. Jablonski, and E. E. Shelly |
| 2:30 PM | J14.5 | Large-eddy simulations of density currents over complex terrain Branko Kosovic, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and J. D. Mirocha |
| 2:45 PM | J14.6 | Shallow water model for dense gas simulation in urban areas: a new approach  Sara Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; and M. D. Williams, A. Gowardhan, D. Manca, and M. J. Brown |