This paper discusses many important additions to the QPE generation process implemented by the NWS Office of Hydrologic Development (OHD) over the last few years. These additions include incorporation of locally-developed analysis techniques and interactive tools into a unified Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimator (MPE) application for national use. Interactive tools are used to apply quality control checks and for adjusting the resulting quantitative estimate. The paper also describes the steps for generating the official best estimate QPE product which is then distributed.
Secondary topics also discussed include recent operational advances in the use of bias adjustments to improve data quality, methods for time disaggregation of station precipitation reports, and the expanded ability of MPE to provide temperature and freezing level information beyond its core precipitation focus. Other topics briefly covered are the relationship of this hourly product to other NWS precipitation products with varying spatial and temporal resolution, the use of externally provided products for use as the initial QPE estimate, and expanded interaction with satellite-based estimates. Lastly, planned areas of future work are described, including use of gridded QPE in a new NWS river modeling system which makes use of alternate spatial resolutions and data formats.
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