In order to further investigate the impacts of CCN and GCCN on the microphysical and dynamical characteristics of thunderstorms developing downwind of urban regions, a number of numerical model simulations have been conducted using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). The sophisticated "Town Energy Budget"(TEB) model of the urban land surface, and the two-moment bulk microphysics, which allows for the prognosis of CCN and GCCN concentrations, were both utilized. The results of these simulations indicate that urban-forced convergence downwind of the city, rather than the presence of greater aerosol concentrations, determines whether or not thunderstorms actually develop in the downwind region. However, once convection is initiated, the urban-enhanced aerosols can have a significant effect on the dynamics, microphysics and precipitation produced by these storms. The effects of these aerosols influence the rate and amount of liquid water and ice produced within these storms, the accumulated surface precipitation, the strength and timing of both updrafts and downdrafts, and the strength and influence of the associated cold pools. These modeling studies also demonstrate that the impacts of urban aerosol on downwind thunderstorms tend to decrease with increasing background aerosol concentrations. Results from these simulations and the implications of these results for expanding urban regions will be presented.
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