Monday, 12 January 2009: 1:30 PM
ECMWF Data and Services
Room 122BC (Phoenix Convention Center)
ECMWF products consist of the output of several numerical weather prediction systems: the deterministic forecast up to 10 days ahead, an ensemble prediction system for the medium and monthly range, and seasonal forecasts for the longer range. Atmospheric and ocean wave fields from these forecasts are made available in real-time to a wide range of users, for official duties as well as for research and commercial activities.
Over the last 25 years, ECMWF has accumulated a wealth of meteorological data in its archive - not only the output of its operational runs, but also from the many research projects the Centre as been involved in, such as ERA-40 and TIGGE.
The presentation will focus on the various web-based facilities that ECMWF has developed to provide access to its real-time and archive data, as well as plans to assess the use of web services and OGC standards to improve interoperability with its users.
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