89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

Thursday, 15 January 2009: 1:30 PM
Aerosols and associated precipitation patterns in Atlanta
Room 127A (Phoenix Convention Center)
Matthew C. Lacke, Jefferson County Department of Health, Birmingham, AL; and T. L. Mote and J. M. Shepherd
The role of aerosol concentrations on summer precipitation was examined in Atlanta, Georgia for the period 2003-04. Thursday had the highest average 2.5 ́m particulate matter (PM 2.5) concentrations at two of three Environmental Protection Agency stations. Monday and Thursday had the largest area of significantly different precipitation when compared to other days of the week. All but the southeast quadrant of the metropolitan area had a significant difference in precipitation on high versus low aerosol days. High aerosol days had greater instability (higher average convective available potential energy and lower convective inhibition), and a slightly more shallow mixing layer when compared to low aerosol days. Most of metropolitan Atlanta had higher precipitation amounts on high aerosol days and was significantly different from low aerosol days.

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