its coupling with chemistry will be given. This model now includes many
atmospheric chemistry routines covering biogenic emissions, deposition,
photolysis, and chemical mechanisms. In addition, various atmospheric
aerosol routines (modal and sectional approaches) have been added to
WRF. The chemistry and aerosol routines are usually solved in an
"online" fashion with the meteorological forecast model. In other
words, the interaction and transport of meteorological, chemical, and
aerosol species are calculated using the same physical parameterizations
with no need to interpolate in time and/or space. The most recent
version of this modeling system includes the direct and indirect effects
of aerosols. An overview of the current status of this modeling system
and ongoing as well as future development will be discussed. In addition
some evaluation results, real time applications initial experiments with
chemical data assimilation, and scientific applications will be presented.
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