Manual thunderstorm alerts prepared by Bureau of Meteorology forecasters in the past proved to be of limited value as they tended to be conservative and did not provide the temporal and spatial detail required by airlines. The pressure to maintain operations at airports is great and there is a need for better real time information about thunderstorms and associated lightning that allows the airlines to continue operations as long as possible and effectively manage the operational risks without compromising safety standards.
To satisfy this requirement an Automated Thunderstorm Alert Service (ATSAS) has been developed and is being progressively implemented around the country. Systems that support ATSAS take radar information from a Nowcast Applications Server and data from a single station lightning sensor and automatically generate end-user graphical and text products that show the location and movement of thunderstorm cells and the presence of lightning near the airport. The products are updated frequently and can be easily understood by airline personnel.
The systems that support the ATSAS will be described and some operational experiences and impacts will be presented.
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