The satellite-based GPCP V2 and 1DD have overcome the high-latitude instrument limitations through the use of Television Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) sounding data, with a transition to the Aqua Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) in April 2005. The TOVS estimation technique infers precipitation from clouds using a regression relationship between coincident rain gauge measurements and TOVS-based parameters, including cloud-top pressure, fractional cloud cover, and cloud-layer relative humidity. As part of the GPCP processing, these TOVS precipitation estimates are then scaled to match the fractional coverage of the high-quality Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSMI) estimates in the mid latitudes. The TOVS data are adjusted to the large-scale bias of the available rain gauge data at 70� and the large-scale bias of the SSMI estimates at mid latitudes.
High-quality ground-based precipitation estimates covering the high-latitude regions historically have not been easily accessible for research purposes. Recently, however, the FMI has made available a long record of research-quality high-density rain gauge observations. These gauges measure both liquid and solid (liquid-equivalent) precipitation. The temporal and spatial density of the FMI observations make them ideal candidates for comparison with and assessment of the GPCP satellite-based estimates. The goal is to quantify the nature of the differences at the high latitudes to further understand the errors associated with the satellite-based GPCP estimates, and to assess the future needs of the GPM. Large- and small-scale statistics such as bias, RMS, and correlation are examined. The results show that the bias difference between the GPCP estimates and FMI observations is dominated by the wind-loss correction applied to the gauge data that is incorporated into the GPCP. The magnitude of the wind-loss correction is smallest in the summer and largest in the winter. When the wind-loss correction is applied to the FMI observations, the long-term monthly correlation coefficient when compared to GPCP exceeds 0.9.
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