Successful NWP depends upon well-balanced initial conditions. Lorenc (2003) and Keppert (2006) note that localization can disrupt the relationship between the height gradient and the wind speed of the analysis increments, resulting in an analysis that can be significantly ageostrophic. This study compares the differing impacts of these two localization techniques upon the balance of the analysis. The investigation begins with a simple one-dimensional balanced waveform using the shallow water equations and two ensemble members. Observations are then assimilated to explore the parameter space of the localization distance, wavelength, and distance between observations. Analyses using no localization, B-localization, and R-localization are examined for accuracy (RMSE) and geostrophic balance. Preliminary results suggest that R-localization creates a more balanced analysis than B-localization. The procedure is then expanded to include a global general circulation model, SPEEDY (Molteni, 2003), with realistic observations.
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