The Urban Protocol consists of two products. The first is a written set of guidelines that provide accounting, reporting, and verifying guidance for registering urban forest projects. This presentation deals with the second product, the Center for Urban Forest Research Tree Carbon Calculator (CTCC). It is an Excel spreadsheet tool that provides numerical data on carbon storage, energy savings and corresponding GHG emission reductions, and biomass volumes for common tree species in California cities. The CTCC is still in the development phase, usable for those with moderate experience with spreadsheet software, and is currently undergoing testing and evaluation.
To determine carbon storage and annual sequestration, the user enters data on the project's climate zone and the species and size or age of the tree. Tree growth curves were developed from data collected from population samples of about 900 street trees representing approximately 20 predominant species in each of six regional reference cities (a total of about 5,400 trees). Biomass equations incorporating these data are used to derive total CO2 stored (fresh weight), total aboveground stored (dry weight), and annual CO2 sequestration.
Additional inputs related to building heating and cooling loads and tree shade are required to determine emission reductions from energy conservation. Simulations were conducted for each reference city using different combinations of tree sizes (9), locations (24), and building vintages (3) for each studied tree species to determine effects of trees on building energy performance. Basic information on heating and cooling systems is also required. Simulation results are tabulated for later lookup by the CTCC. Changes in energy use are converted to changes in emissions based on default regional or user-supplied emissions coefficients. Emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are addressed. CTCC outputs can be used to estimate GHG benefits on a per tree basis for a single point in time for reporting purposes. A time series can be developed to forecast future benefits.
Several new or enhanced features are planned for inclusion in future CTCC versions. These include addition of co-benefits (dollar value of energy savings, hydrologic impacts, air quality improvement, increases in property values), costs of tree planting and maintenance, treatment of tree populations vs single trees, web-based delivery, real-time calculations vs. table lookups, and annual reporting and forecast modes.
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