Cycling data assimilation experiments using combinations of ocean surface wind data sets with GEOS5 are used to supply first guess fields and lateral boundary conditions for regional assimilation and forecast experiments with the WRF. A series of NCEP global analyses with and without the assimilation of QuikSCAT data are also used to supply ICs and BCs for the WRF to assess the impact of QuikSCAT data on regional scales from assimilation in an operational global model. Specifically, we have examined impacts on forecasts of hurricanes Katrina and Ophelia (2005). We will compare and contrast results from the global experiments (GEOS5) and the regional experiments (WRF), using forecast hurricane track and intensity errors as the primary metrics to assess the relative data impacts. Traditional RMS error and anomaly correlation scores are used to measure mid-latitude impacts. QuikSCAT-derived SLP and GLW data have shown a great deal of promise for hurricane initialization and our study explores this with tandem GEOS5/WRF experiments.
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