The Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) model couples a two-source (soil+canopy) land-surface model with an atmospheric boundary layer model in time-differencing mode to routinely and robustly map fluxes across the U.S. continent at 5-10km resolution using thermal band imagery from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). A derived Evaporative Stress Index (ESI), given by 1-ET/PET, shows good correspondence with standard drought metrics and with patterns of antecedent precipitation, but at significantly higher spatial resolution due to limited reliance on ground observations. The TIR inputs detect drought conditions even under the dense forest cover along the East Coast of the United States, where microwave soil moisture retrievals typically lose sensitivity. Higher resolution drought assessments can be generated through spatial disaggregation using TIR data from polar orbiting instruments such as Landsat (60-120m) and MODIS (1km).
The ALEXI ESI algorithm is diagnostic and does not require precipitation or soil texture information, unlike the PDI, the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), The North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS), and other drought indices based on rainfall or soil water balance. It inherently reflects impacts of irrigation, which must be modeled or neglected in other indices. Being an independent means for assessing drought conditions, the ESI has significant potential for enhancing the existing suite of drought monitoring products. Work is underway to further evaluate multi-scale ESI implementations over the U.S. and other continents with geostationary satellite coverage.
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