In this study, an iterative retrieval of the upper and lower cloud layer properties using the GOES-12 imagery data is presented for future operational inferences of single-layered and multilayer cloud properties. The new iterative retrieval invokes two techniques: an iterative CO2-IR absorbing technique and an iterative IR-Visible cloud optical depth technique. The former is a modified CO2 absorption method that determines the upper and lower cloud layer locations using the 10.8 and 13.3-µm data, while the latter determines the upper and lower cloud layer optical depths using two-layered cloud radiative transfer modeling. Results are presented from retrieval sensitivity tests in terms of instrument noise and model uncertainties. The retrievals are validated by comparing with ground- and satellite-based active remote sensing data. Finally, results obtained from near real-time image analyses using the new iterative retrieval are demonstrated for the GOES-12 and Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite imagers.
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