89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

Monday, 12 January 2009: 10:45 AM
Status of NOAA's Space Weather Program
Room 126BC (Phoenix Convention Center)
Dr. Jack Hayes, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD
NOAA is the nation's official source for space weather guidance, prediction and data archiving, and is designated a National Critical System by the Department of Homeland Security. The advanced technologies that underlie our homeland security and economic prosperity are vulnerable to solar and geomagnetic storms. NOAA's Space Weather Program delivers space weather alerts, watches, warnings and forecasts to satellite operators, precision GPS users, the aviation industry, federal exploration and commercial space development mission controllers, and power distribution grid managers. Timely advanced warnings of space weather storms permit customers to take proactive steps to safeguard critical systems, protect personnel and maintain operations and services. The highest likelihood of high impact space weather storms is during solar maximum which is forecast for 2011 – 2013. NOAA is taking significant steps to ensure that we are prepared to meet the challenges of our first advanced technology (GPS, satellites, NextGen, wireless) solar maximum.

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