Eighth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology

Session 1

 Symposium Welcome and Perspectives
 Panelists: John Cissel, JFSP Program Manager, Boise, ID; Heath Hockenberry, NOAA/NWS, Boise, ID; Kelly Martin, Fire and Aviation Management, Yosemite National Park ; Pete Lahm, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC; Mike Hilbruner, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC; Edward D. Delgado, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah
Cochairs: Brian Potter, USDA Forest Service, Seattle, WA; Timothy J. Brown, DRI, Reno, Nevada
9:00 AMPanel Discussion   wrf recording

Tuesday, 13 October 2009: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Ballroom B

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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