Poster Session P1.7 Mapping, analyzing and delivering spatio-temporal fire potential products using Open Geospatial Consortium standards

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Big Sky Ballroom (Red Lion Inn Kalispell)
Alexander Petkov, USDA, Missoula, MT; and W. M. Jolly

Handout (2.5 MB)

A new content delivery and analysis system, based on well-established Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) interoperability standards, has been developed to enable audiences to view, extract, compare and analyze spatio-temporal fire potential products from the Wildland Fire Assessment System (WFAS). This MapServer-based platform facilitates up-to-date multidimensional spatial data management and availability. The system allows the WFAS spatial data managers to publish and share spatial data for consumption in any tool that conforms to OGC standards. Users can view, compare, and download products using a variety of clients: web browser interfaces, desktop geospatial software (such as ESRI® ArcGIS™, Google Earth™,etc...), as well as automated systems using the WFAS Web Mapping and Coverage Services. In addition, the WFAS Web Processing Service (WPS) allows the extraction and download of time series data for any point of interest. These display and analysis tools can be used with any raster or vector data.

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