5A.5 Recent milestones and ongoing development of the BlueSky Modeling Framework

Wednesday, 14 October 2009: 9:30 AM
Lake McDonald/ Swift Current/ Hanging Gardens (Red Lion Inn Kalispell)
Narasimhan Larkin, USDA Forest Service, Seattle, WA; and T. Strand, S. Raffuse, R. Solomon, D. Sullivan, D. Pryden, K. Craig, L. Chinkin, and N. Wheeler

The BlueSky Modeling Framework has undergone significant changes within the past year, resulting in a new version, 3.1, and upgraded capabilities. Version 3.1 revamped the modularity and expandability of the framework, and users can now add their own models and expand the framework to other types of data not previously included. New models and new capabilities, including Google Earth output are now enabled. Additionally, 3.1 is now fully compatible with the Service-Oriented-Architecture software design, allowing any model enabled within BlueSky to be accessible through web-service calls, thereby allowing users to be able to receive the results of the model without the need to install BlueSky. A game-playing application has been developed which highlights this capability, allowing users to step through the variety of models and modeling steps of BlueSky in real-time through their web browser. New grants are also pointing the way to further development of BlueSky including the addition of satellite emissions models based on radiative-fire-power and improved fuel moisture handling.
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