5A.1 The Smoke and Emissions Model Intercomparison Project: an invitation and initial results

Wednesday, 14 October 2009: 8:30 AM
Lake McDonald/ Swift Current/ Hanging Gardens (Red Lion Inn Kalispell)
Narasimhan Larkin, USDA Forest Service, Seattle, WA; and N. Wheeler, T. Strand, S. Raffuse, K. Craig, R. Solomon, D. Sullivan, and L. Chinkin

The Smoke and Emissions Model Intercomparison Project (SEMIP) is a new community oriented project funded by the Joint Fire Science Program. SEMIP sets forth a standard protocol and data handling and analysis structure for direct model-to-model and model-to-observation analyses at various model outputs including fuel loadings, fire consumption, fire emissions, plume rise, and smoke dispersion. SEMIP has recently set forth a standard set of initial test cases which will be used for the first round of analyses; anyone can submit model results for these test cases and have their model included in the SEMIP analyses. Initial results for fuel loading and fire consumption show significant differences and difference patterns based on location and model used. Further work is underway to complete the first round of analyses that will go through fire emissions, plume rise, and smoke dispersion. SEMIP is designed to be community based and community run, and will expand as rounds of results inform further work. All are welcome to participate at any level, including helping set future directions and foci of SEMIP.
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