12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry


The Decoupled Direct Method for Higher-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Particulate Matter in Multidimensional Air Quality Models

Wenxian Zhang, Gerogia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and A. G. Russell

The decoupled direct method (DDM) has been implemented in air quality models to effectively perform second-order sensitivity analysis of particulate matter (PM). The application of DDM sensitivity analysis is currently available in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for first- and second-order sensitivities of gas-phase species as well as first-order sensitivities of PM. As gas-phase species and particulate matter are closely coupled; and as the higher-order sensitivities can better capture the non-linear responses, in this work, DDM sensitivity analysis is extended to compute second-order PM sensitivities. Also, particulate matter often exists as non-ideal solutions, so the effect of chemical activity on the DDM sensitivity analysis of PM is evaluated. An initial application is to assess the non-linearity in the response of PM to SO2, NOx, and ammonia emission controls.

Poster Session , Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Studies of Air Quality
Monday, 18 January 2010, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall B2

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