19th Symposium on Education


Gender and Atmospheric Sciences: A snapshot of demographics of atmospheric science students

Donna J. Charlevoix, UNAVCO, Boulder, CO

As of 2006, approximately 80 colleges and universities offer BS or BA degrees in meteorology or atmospheric sciences. A survey of universities offering meteorology or atmospheric sciences degrees in the Midwest was conducted to develop a profile of the “typical” undergraduate student including both academic background and personal motivation. The number of undergraduates and the gender distribution of students enrolled in atmospheric science programs varied widely based on the size of the college or university, size of the program, and location of the university. A total of 244 surveys were sent with 199 returned (82 percent response rate), all with usable data. Seventy eight of the 199 surveys returned (39 percent) were completed by women. Study participants included students enrolled atmospheric dynamics and atmospheric synoptic. This presentation will summarize the findings of this study focusing on gender in programs including enrollment percentages, and motivation and aspirations of men and women. Statistical findings will be compared to data from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (116K)

Recorded presentation

Session 2, Diversity in the Workplace and the Pipeline
Tuesday, 19 January 2010, 8:30 AM-9:45 AM, B214

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