The analyses of satellite-derived HCHO measurements with statistical approaches
Jae H. Kim, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea; and S. M. Kim and M. Newchurch
By comparing temporal and spatial patterns of formaldehyde (HCHO) along with our understanding of atmospheric chemistry, we analyzed satellite data to assess the impact of global temperature changes on the biosphere using satellite observations (OMI, GOME, CIMACHY, MOPITT, ATSR) of trace gases (HCHO, CO, NO2, O3) and fire counts along with model calculations. We have observed an increasing trend of HCHO over the tropics where the trend of biomass burning varies with regions and over the USA where some anthropogenic activity appears to be decreasing as deduced from NO2 changes. The inventory of HCHO depends strongly on isoprene from biogenic activity and on the background level of CH4 oxidation. Various models suggest surface temperature is responsible for the increasing HCHO over the USA. We will discuss to use novel EOF/SVD analyses techniques to investigate whether the increasing trend of HCHO can be used to identify and estimate the impact of global temperature changes on HCHO.
Poster Session , Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Studies of Air Quality
Monday, 18 January 2010, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall B2
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