Seventh Symposium on Space Weather

Session 3

 New data sources and products
 Chair: Geoff Crowley, Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates, San Antonio, TX
4:00 PM3.1GPS, GNSS, and Space Weather  
Paul M. Kintner Jr., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; and T. E. Humphreys and B. O'Hanlon
4:15 PM3.2AUltraviolet Remote Sensing of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere  
Robert McCoy, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
4:30 PM3.3Coronal Mass Ejections from Multiple Viewpoints  
Russell A. Howard, NRL, Washington, DC
4:45 PM3.4Helioseismic detection of large-scale subsurface flows at solar minimum  
Rachel Howe, National Solar Observatory, Tucson, AZ; and F. Hill, R. W. Komm, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. Schou, and M. J. Thompson
5:00 PM3.6Solar Flare Forecasts Based on Subsurface Helicity  
Frank Hill, National Solar Observatory, Tucson, AZ; and R. Komm, J. Henthorn, and A. Reinard
5:15 PM3.5An Analysis and Comparison of the Agreement between the Following Solar Activity Indices: Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), 2800 MHz Solar Flux (F10), and American Sunspot Number  
Brenda Zuzolo, The Boeing Company, Springfield, VA; and P. A. Zuzolo

Monday, 18 January 2010: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM, B303

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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