16th Conference on Air Pollution Meteorology

Session 9

 Plume Rise: Modeling and Measurements
 Chair: Jeffrey C. Weil, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO
1:30 PM9.1Plume rise: a revisit of old problems and some new ones  
Jeffrey C. Weil, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO
1:45 PM9.2Field and laboratory plume dispersion studies of buoyant plume release in an urban environment  extended abstract
Christian Bartolome, Riverside, CA; and S. Chen, X. Li, M. Princevac, A. Venkatram, and D. Pankratz
2:00 PM9.3A new method of 2D and 3D Air Quality monitoring using a lidar  
Sophie Loaec, LEOSPHERE, Paris, France; and L. Sauvage, B. Guinot, S. Lolli, and M. Fofana
2:15 PM9.4Modeling Dispersion of Buoyant Emissions from a Low Level Source in an Urban Area  extended abstract
Qiguo Jing, University of California, Riverside, CA; and A. Venkatram, M. Princevac, and D. Pankratz

Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, B308

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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